How to start a million dollar business
in the US
from anywhere in the world

How to start a million dollar business
in the US
from anywhere in the world

A simple guide to start and run a business in the US from anywhere in the world. Everything you need to know about running a business remotely in the USA.

Are you one of these people?

→ I started a business and now figuring out how to scale the business in the US.

→ I wanted to start a business, but I don’t know where to start!

→ I've been thinking a lot, but I don’t have any idea what to build!

→ I have no idea how to use email to reach other successful entrepreneurs!

I got you covered!

This is the first and ONLY book I wrote that tells you EXACTLY how I started and scaled the business to Millions of Dollars in revenue and I got responses from stalwarts like Mark Cuban and raised MILLIONS of dollars from Twitter founder Biz Stone, Balaji Srinivasan and MANY others.

Are you one of these people?

→ I wanted to start a business, but I don’t know where to start

→ I started a business and now figuring out how to scale the business in the US.

→ I've been thinking a lot, but I don’t have any idea what to build

→ I have no idea how to use email to reach other successful entrepreneurs!

I got you covered.

This is the first and ONLY book I wrote that tells you EXACTLY how I started and scaled the business to Millions of Dollars in revenue and I got responses from stalwarts like Mark Cuban and raised MILLIONS of dollars from Twitter founder Biz Stone, Balaji Srinivasan and MANY others.

About the author

About the author

About the author

My name is Sanjay Nediyara and I currently run where we help entrepreneurs from across the world to setup and run their business in the United States. To date we have helped 5000+ entrepreneurs from 150+ countries who run businesses that brings in hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue a year. 

I raised funding from some of the top investors in the world including Biz Stone, cofounder of Twitter, Balaji Srinivasan, Silicon valley legend and CTO of Coinbase, John Ruffolo and Mark Maybank of Maverix Private Equity, Ali Moiz, James Beshara, and many other top tier investors in Silicon valley and Canada. Raising money is never a measure of success, if at all, it’s a measure of obligation towards investors. We currently do a lot more revenue compared to what we raised over the years.

Daniël Akin


“This is one of the best books I’ve read that actually tells me what to do, many others talk philosophy and I get lost”

Miguel George


"I've been considering leaving my job for many years but never had the courage to do it. This book finally helped me find my path."

Lauren Power


"This book is crazy good!"

Joslyn Mario


“Probably the best $100 I spent! Today my business does $150,000 revenue a year and that means I got $1,500 back for every dollar I spent!”

David Frank


"I was running some Indie hacker business on my own and this book helped me double my revenue"

Megan Daniel


"Thanks for sharing the "industry secrets" with everyone!"

Jacob Dorado


“This should be your first investment before starting a business. No regrets”

Fekry Dyke


"I never would have believed it was possible before Sanjay showed me the examples of his emails."

Miguel Draper


"If you are confused about leaving your job and building a business, read this first."


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